Zeyu D. Ding


4400 Vestal Parkway E

Binghamton, NY 13902

Assistant Professor
Engineering Building N34
School of Computing
Department of Mathematics and Statistics (Courtesy)
Thomas J. Watson College of Engineering and Applied Science
Binghamton University
:phone: (+1) 607-777-4824
:email: dding1 at binghamton dot edu

I am an assistant professor in the School of Computing at Binghamton University. I received my PhD in Computer Science from Penn State University and BS in Mathematics from Zhejiang University.

My research lies in the intersection of data privacy, statistical disclosure control, formal methods and machine learning. The overarching goal of my work is to protect sensitive personal information from being leaked in unintended ways. My current research focuses on differential privacy and its interactions with formal verification, numerical optimization, privacy-preserving statistical inference and machine learning.

Hiring: I'm actively looking for highly-motivated PhD students. If you are interested in working with me, please contact me via email.

Honors and Awards

  • CCS Outstanding Paper Award, 2018
  • The Caspar Bowden PET Award, Runner-Up, 2019
  • CCS Best Paper Award, Runner-Up, 2020
  • CCS Best Paper Award, Runner-Up, 2021


My research is supported by NSF 2317233.